Sunday, November 6, 2011

More Homemade Cookie Cutters

So, I was cleaning up my craft room after making my homemade 
cookie cutter I posted about previously and had a lot of the
aluminum pan I used left over.

 I didn't want to throw it away so I bit the bullet and decided to make 
as many cutters as I could from what was left of the pan.

My niece is expecting her first baby around Thanksgiving so
I made some cutters the shapes of baby items.

Now, I know you can buy cutters in shapes like these but
I was able to choose my own graphics and customize
the cutters to what I wanted rather than what you
get in the standard package of baby shapes.

I was also able to make them the exact size I wanted too.
The bottle cutter is 2.5 inches wide at the bottom and
a whopping 4.75 inches tall!

I made the bottle cutter a little bigger than the other
ones as I wanted to be able to have a nice
big surface to write the baby's name and birth
information on.

The more cookie cutters I made, the faster I got at it! 
I must also confess that making these has become a little addicting!

It's quite fun to watch the cutters taking shape and trying to find items 
to shape the aluminum around to get the proper curves, etc.

Here are a few more pictures of the individual cutters I made.
(The bib cutter is  turned upside down so you see the wrapped edge of the aluminum.)

The thing is, I still have a lot of aluminum left!
All these cutters and the tutu I made previously came from just
the bottom portion of the pan.  I still have all four of the sides left!

If you would like to see a step by step tutorial on how to make these
homemade cookie cutters yourself, leave me a comment saying so.
I'm not sure anyone even knows my blog exists so I won't waste
my time if I don't get any responses.

Oh, and one more thing!
I was so wrong when I said that it would be expensive to make these.
I was assuming that I was only going to make one cutter out of the pan but, as you
can see, I have made 5 so far and still have enough aluminum left to make
at least 4 or 5 more!

The pan I bought cost me $2.19 (I did spot the same pan elsewhere for $2.00)
and lets assume I get 9-10 homemade cutters out of that one pan,
that is only .21 to .24 cents per cutter!
You don't need to buy any other supplies as the aluminum can be cut easily
with ordinary house scissors (I wouldn't use your good ones).

Has anyone else made their own cookie cutters?
Maybe you have a tip or two you could share!
What worked for you and what didn't?
Would love to hear what you have to say!

Until next time, 


Vikki said...

These are great Becky!! Well done...such a clever lady!!

Lynn said...

Hi Becky, Thanks so much for folloing my blog:)
Love your wonderful creations and now will return the favour:)
Lynn x
(Lynn's Designer Creations)

Anonymous said...

I would love to see the step by step video of how you made the great cookie cutters. They are amazing. From the looks of them, I would have guessed you paid 5 bucks apiece for them. I have a couple that I paid that much for apiece 15 yrs. ago. Thank for sharing your talent.

Anonymous said...

Hey there, we (my wife and i)are glad to read your blog. And love your web design. the cutters are great! We know your blog exists :D do not give up writing. we re waiting the tutorials. cheers :D

Unknown said...

Oh wow! I did stumble across your blog and have been looking through your posts. Pretty awesome! Please do share the video on how you make the cookie cutters. I personally love to bake cut out cookies but never find exactly what I want, with your help I can make exactly what I want! Thank you!!

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